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Updated: 2024-05-29 12:39:27





punt  Arani Thai Restaurant

We serve authentic and delicious Thai cuisine here at Arani Tahi Restaurant. You can locate us at 136 Malop St, Geelong VIC or send in your order online. Some of our dishes are Mixed Vegetable Entree, Roti Bread with Satay Sauce, Prawn Crackers, Tom Yum, Tom Kha, Gang Jud, Gluay Teaw, Spicy Thai Salad, Pad Gratiam, and Gang Kiew Waan. Our menu has selections for Entrees, Soups. Stir Fries, Curries, Salads, BBQ, Seafood, Noodles and Rice. Our specialties are Pad Preow, Che Chee Plaa, and Gang Massaman. We deliver all throughout the week.
136 Malop Street, Geelong, Victoria.


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